Summa cum laude! And thanks for your write up. Actually your whole collection is quite cool and I look forward to delving into some of those other oddities you found.
Aw yay! You've inspired me to go back and rework some of the descriptions. I almost added this to another list I have called traveling circles if you'd be interested in checking that out. Thanks for making games and sharing them!
Traveling circles looks great thank you. I love the creative anthologizing/list building, it's a really great thing to help people find niche things and also make hidden connections.
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my head hurts
10/10 would restore again
Thank you! May your analgesics be potent and soothing.
This was perhaps too brilliant for me. I enjoyed its oddities regardless. I got my certificate! Yay! Now I can make finger stuff!
You are too kind! Luckily recertification is not due for another 10,000 years.
This is what a young T. S. Eliot would have made if he could use Decker.
Like a patient etherized upon a hypercard
fuck yeah, got my certificate (i stopped reading half-way in)
just like in real life, attendance is 90% of your grade
I really like the epiphanies the player character has throughout. Great use of Decker!
Thank you for the comments! The epiphanies actually came last (ain't it always so!)
Yay, my certificate :)
Summa cum laude! And thanks for your write up. Actually your whole collection is quite cool and I look forward to delving into some of those other oddities you found.
Aw yay! You've inspired me to go back and rework some of the descriptions. I almost added this to another list I have called traveling circles if you'd be interested in checking that out. Thanks for making games and sharing them!
Traveling circles looks great thank you. I love the creative anthologizing/list building, it's a really great thing to help people find niche things and also make hidden connections.
Man what did I just read
At least I have this certificate
Use it well, dear alumnus!